30 June - 10 August 2022 Galleria SARP

Greek fragments,  Mediteranean culture imbued with the  Eastern Europe identity of the paintings of Hungarian based artist Csató.

The works of József Csató are spatial and visual representation of multiple experiences, impressions and intuitions which give rise to a narrative of space where time becomes metaphysical. His works of art transcend form and feed emotions and upset the viewer. This intersubjectivity between the work and the viewer creates the contemporaneity of art, where sensory and emotional reciprocity interact in his painting. His vision of an imaginary world without horizons brings voice to the language of ordinary objects. They move continuously in his painting interacting with the fantastic figures that animate these scenes like an imaginary theatre.Through abstraction and an emphasis on intersubjective communication between the viewer and the work, Csató demonstrates how art can transcend form and time, creating a dynamic, emotionally charged interaction that upends conventional boundaries. Like African art, Csató’s paintings invite the viewer into a space where meaning and form are not fixed but are instead in a constant state of transformation and interaction, creating a living, breathing world on canvas.This intertextuality between Csató's imaginary world and the rich traditions of African art offers a profound lens through which we can explore the intersections of cultural narratives, abstraction, and the transcendence of form. His art embodies a sense of intersubjectivity, where the objects depicted are not simply passive representations, but instead are infused with spirit, life, and a dynamic relationship to the world. In Csató’s works, this dynamic is also at play. His figures and objects are imbued with a life of their own, communicating with the viewer in a way that suggests a deeper, shared experience of space and time


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P.IVA 06153560872 


Via D. Alighieri 22 Linguaglossa 95015



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